Join Us For 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

As we finish up this year, I wanted to extend to you an invitation to join Fighting For Joy in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. We will start on Monday, January 1, 2024 and end on Sunday, January 21, 2024. During this time, we will be praying through a different theme or focus for each day, along with corresponding scriptures. These are items that the Lord specifically placed on my heart for the Church at large, not just Fighting For Joy, so anyone can join in. We’ll be combining our 21 Days of Prayer with a Daniel Fast, modeled after Daniel 1 and Daniel 10: 2-3 in the Bible. This is something that I’ve done, individually, the last few years that I’m now extending corporately to others. 

If you’ve never done a structured prayer and fasting time, you may have questions. Hopefully, this will help answer a few of the larger topics.

Why 21 Days of Prayer at the start of the year?

Beginning this time of prayer and fasting on January 1st is purposeful. It’s giving the few weeks of our new year back to the Lord. During this time, we lean into what He has for us this year, instead of jumping ahead with our own ideas or goals. By focusing on a different topic each day and corresponding scriptures, we keep our minds and hearts focused on one thing at a time- allowing the Lord to create spaces in our lives each day. 

It resets our spiritual eyes and ears to both see and hear the Holy Spirit more clearly- not just in January, but throughout the year.

Why combine prayer and fasting?

In the words of King David, “I humbled my soul with fasting” (Psalm 69:10). Combining fasting with prayer is something that’s been done since the Old Testament. Jesus even said that there are certain demons that only come out with prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). Fasting requires us to give up something we want (such as coffee, for example) in order to draw near to God. It requires us to depend on God in a way that we can easily forget during the year. Prayer and fasting grows our faith. It allows the Spirit to convict & work in our hearts more easily, so that we may emerge new. 

For me personally, combining prayer, fasting and communion has been a key to some of my biggest breakthroughs, and that’s really why I wanted to invite others in this year. My heart is for each of you to experience transformation in your own lives during this time. 

What is a Daniel Fast?

At its most basic, a Daniel Fast is following the dietary guidelines that Daniel used both during Nebuchadnezzar’s rule and that of King Cyrus. No alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, meat, dairy, eggs or sweeteners are allowed. Instead, fruits, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and juices are the primary foods eaten. Following a 21-day Daniel Fast has been proven to reduce cholesterol and risk factors associated with both cardiac and metabolic disease. There are many foods that one can eat while on the Daniel Fast, so it’s by far the easiest type of fast for those who haven’t tried one before. We’ve included a list of basics on the prayer calendar, but a full Daniel Fast food list and recipes can be found online here.

I hope you choose to join us as we start the new year off with intentionality in both prayer and fasting! I know that we are all believing God for big things, and can’t wait to hear what God does in everyone’s lives during this time. 

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