Welcome to Fighting For Joy!

Thank you so much for joining me, and the rest of the FFJ team, on this journey. You may be wondering how this organization came about. In 2022, I wrote a little women’s devotional, Fighting For Joy in the In-Between. It was, quite simply, an act of obedience for what I felt the Lord placing on my heart. Working through the rhythm of Ecclesiastes, the devotionals help guide women through what to lay down, what to pick up, how to war in faith, stand firm in peace, and rejoice while believing for breakthrough in their lives. 

I thought that was it, but God had other plans. I started to hear about the impact that Fighting For Joy in the In-Between was having within organizations that work with those who are re-establishing their identity and worth- students in college or women rescued from human trafficking, for example. Friends began mentioning that this seemed bigger than a book- that it seemed more like a movement. So I began to dream with God and wonder how we could all do more. Who could we help? How would we begin?

The organization is named Fighting For Joy, first because it was birthed out of the book, but also because the “joy of the Lord is our strength” as it says in Nehemiah 8:10. We fight for joy because we have to fight for our God-given strength in this world. It’s not automatic. It’s a battle won by overcomers, like you and me. 

I truly believe that the most foundational battle for men and women around the world is that of identity. In Genesis 3:1, when the serpent asked Eve, “Did God really say,” he was attacking God’s identity as a good and loving Father (who would not withhold good things from His children). In the same question, the serpent also attacked Eve’s identity as God’s beloved daughter, by placing doubt in her mind that she had heard correctly and was deserving of the good things that God had for her. And the enemy has been asking women around the world that same question ever since. Are you really deserving of good things? Are you really beloved and valuable? Is God holding out on you? These and other similarly-worded thoughts pervade the unconsciousness of millions. 

When a woman doesn’t know her God-given identity, she can’t possibly know her value. The two are inexplicably linked, so the war over self-worth rages on. The unachievable standards of beauty put in front of young girls worldwide, coupled with society’s increasing fascination with the “perfect” life, creates a crippling and often lethal combination. While none of it is innocuous, at a minimum, feelings of not measuring up crop up. At its most dangerous, this grows into believing that one does not have a life worth living. 

I personally have known women ages 14- 74 over the last couple of years lost to the most extreme effect of the self-worth battle- suicide. It’s alarming and it has to stop. This is why FFJ’s first pillar of focus centers around healing. Mental health, emotional and physical healing are all priorities to reestablishing one’s self-worth, or perhaps finding one’s value for the very first time. 

Another glaring issue facing young girls around the world is the lack of educational opportunities. In many countries, girls are still considered less than and not afforded education past the fifth grade, if at all. This creates a systemic issue that passes from one generation to the next. This is why FFJ’s second pillar of focus is around empowerment and education. FFJ will work to not only increase the chances of a girl’s ability to take advantage of existing educational opportunities- specifically at the secondary and collegiate levels, but increase the number of educational resources as well.

Through the work of FFJ’s first two pillars, will emerge its third pillar of focus: transformation. We want to share the stories of impact, come alongside women who want to get involved or mentor others, and collaborate for even greater impact. 

Out of the beginnings of this one little book has come a focus on helping women of all ages learn to stand on their God-given identity and value, unafraid and unashamed. We were each created so uniquely and beautifully for individual purposes, but we achieve the greatest influence when those purposes intersect. 

My goal with this blog is to keep you all updated on the latest news, but also to provide ongoing encouragement and support that aligns with FFJ’s mission.

Thank you for embarking on this beautiful adventure with me. It’s so exciting to think about the many possibilities of this around the world! 

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