Authority in Christ

by Brooke Turpin

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world”
1 John 4:4

If you’re anything like me, it’s easy to get caught up worrying about the turmoil of the current moment. Culture is in chaos, confusion and lies surround us, and it often feels like we’re on an irreversible trajectory.

But then, I remember the command God has given us—to pray into these dark places and situations. He has given you and me authority, a responsibility we’re meant to embrace. We’re part of the cosmic plan – God’s army in the spiritual realm and here on earth.

I love this quote from theologian and biblical scholar Walter Wink: “Intercession is spiritual defiance of what is, in the name of what God has promised. It visualizes an alternative future to the one apparently fated by the momentum of current contradictory forces.”

“History belongs to the intercessors, who believe the future into being. Even a small number of people, firmly committed to the new inevitability on which they have fixed their imaginations, can decisively affect the shape the future takes. These shapers of the future are the intercessors, who call out of the future the longed-for new present—the reign of God.”

How awesome is that? Intercessors are reality shapers!

When we pray, we become the key that opens the door to heaven and brings God’s will down to earth. Asking is not just a suggestion; it’s a command – a crucial part of the spiritual formula. How humbling is it to know that we were created to live in this moment and be part of the solution!

God tells us that as soon as we open our mouths, He is already working on our behalf (Daniel 10:12). He has specifically chosen each of us as a catalyst to a solution through prayer. So, fear not, brothers and sisters, put on the full armor of God, stand in authority, and wield the weapon of prayer.

In the spiritual realm, we are seated in Jesus at the right hand of the Father—a privileged place of authority—above all other principalities, including Satan and his minions (Eph. 2:6; Col. 3:1-3). And when you ask, also listen; He will give you instructions, showing how you are part of the plan here on earth.

It’s a PRAY and DO equation.

A businessman I follow recently announced that he was starting a Think & Do Tank. Unlike most Think Tanks that examine important topics and write papers with essential ideas, this new organization will come up with the ideas and implement them. I loved this approach! And I think it applies to The Church as well.

Yes, we are called to use our authority in prayer, but then we must also listen for God’s answer and instruction. We become the hands and feet of Jesus, creating Heaven here on earth using His authority.

So, I encourage you. Every time you become concerned about this present darkness, put on your armor, pray in God’s authority, and listen for His instructions.

In Him with love, Brooke Turpin FFJ team member.

Watch: For excellent instruction on prayer watch this sermon Talking with God by John Mark Comer

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