who we are

About Fighting For Joy

Fighting For Joy is committed to teaching women the truth of their God-given identity and power in order to break chains of oppression and usher in both individual, and community-wide, transformation. This occurs through Spotlight Projects supporting its three pillars.

What is the fight?

Throughout history, and in many countries today, women are still considered less-than, or second rate citizens. Their value is doubted and their opportunities are limited. This creates systemic, ongoing bonds for women of all ages. Even many developed nations, where women are now more educated than men, they experience pay inequality, lack of female examples in leadership roles, and a lack of open doors due to obstacles presented by social norms.

The original attack on Eve in the garden of Eden was to question her identity as God’s daughter and God’s identity as her good and perfect Father. The original attack was on her value. Was Eve special enough that God would not hold out on her? Did she really matter? This is the same lie that plagues women worldwide today. Sometimes it’s blatantly obvious, like when girls are denied the same educational opportunities as boys. Sometimes it’s more subtle, such as not being presented with advancement opportunities in the workplace, or operating under ingrained assumptions that women can’t fulfill certain roles. This fight is a fight for worth that begins by reclaiming the unshakeable foundation of one’s identity. 

Fighting For Joy desires for all women to know that they have intrinsic value. It refuses to let society continue to tell women and girls who they are and, instead, empowers them to live with an identity built on God. It encourages women to live as if all of God’s promises are true for them too. Because they are.

The Three Pillars


Fighting For Joy works to heal wounds of the soul in order to redefine standards of identity, beauty and self-worth in women of all ages. Working alongside girls during the formation ages of identity- ages 12-18, and at the collegiate level, impacts a woman’s health for years to come. Young women worldwide, regardless of socioeconomic background, experience identity attacks every day. Fighting For Joy realizes the necessity of teaching a young woman her God-give identity and worth before she learns it from the world around her. Every life has an intrinsic purpose. All women are valuable and all women are vulnerable to the lies and pressures of society.


Fighting For Joy works to increase educational opportunities for young women and girls, specifically at the secondary school and collegiate levels. Equipping young girls with knowledge and empowering them with faith are fundamental elements necessary to raise up future female leaders that will impact the world for good.


Fighting For Joy seeks to raise up better women, who become better mothers to the next generation, and can transform the communities around them. True, lasting transformation isn’t possible without change first occurring at both the individual level and within the home itself. 

Our Founder

Our founder, Peyton Hoffman, was born and raised in Virginia before moving to California in 2018. She holds a bachelor’s in Communications from James Madison University. For almost twenty years, she worked in corporate marketing and business development within the technology sector before launching her own business.

An experienced author and speaker, she blends her passion for victorious living in Christ with a desire to see women wholly healed as the focus of her first published book, “Fighting For Joy in the In-Between“. This “little step of obedience” has yielded an impact to the extent that she wrote her second book, RADIANT, and launched Fighting For Joy to better help transform lives around the world. Having come to Christ as an adult, her heart is to help as many people as possible experience the level of restoration and redemption that she herself has known. 

Peyton also serves as President of the Board of Directors for Solar Light for Africa, an organization facilitating much-needed solar resources throughout East Africa. She is also a board member of the Epilepsy Foundation Los Angeles, partnering with entertainment industry executives to raise awareness of the challenges posed by seizure disorders and backing their mission to ultimately develop a cure for everyone with epilepsy. She also serves on the Advisory Board of Influence Women, encouraging the development of a confident generation of female leaders in arts, entertainment, and media. 

Let’s connect on Instagram! Follow our Founder: @_peyton_hoffman

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